About Us

G A Auto Services SW Ltd is family run and independent garage that wishes to pride itself on excellent customer service, high quality of work, good quality parts and affordable labour rates.

The family garage is run and managed on a day to day basis by Gareth and Jenny Phipps.

Gareth has been in the motor repair trade… read more


Whether you need help with changing a bulb, topping up your oil or a total engine rebuild we will be happy to offer our expertise.

Of course if any requirement is beyond our expertise, we work closely with our local professionals and would be willing to direct you to the next … read more


The answers to some of the most frequently asked questions can be found on our FAQs page, we answer questions ranging from “how much is our hourly charge” to “why should I service my car?” … read more



Want to know what our customers think of our services here at GA Autos then … read more


Contact us

Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:30
Saturday & Sunday Closed
Address: Unit 14b, Torbay Trading Estate, New Road, Brixham, TQ5 8NF
Phone: 01803 859400
Email: ga.autoservices@hotmail.co.uk
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/GAAutoServices